Another awesome collection from Balenciaga! I fell in love with these boots, I need them. Yesterday I watched a concert from Lady Gaga in New York City. I adore her.
I fell in love with her, and her outfit! Check out her blog here. Yesterday I decided to go to Berlin in August, I prefer Berlin more than Paris. And I'll go to Stockholm in May next year! And I wanted to say that I'm looking for platform sandals. I found nice ones at! But I still need some money to buy them, haha! I'm too lazy to look for a job.
Last sunday, I got ill.. and I'm still ill. Today I went to the doctor and he said that I suffer from spring, hay fever and stuff. And that I just needed some medication. I hope this medication will do its work. I found a new cool blog, it's called streethearts. I adore it. Tons of awesome photos taken in Paris, Oslo, Berlin, Copenhagen, Stockholm, New York City, London and more!
Doesn't this shake look delicious? Well, I can tell you, it was delicious. I've drunk it when I was in Amsterdam last weekend. Can't wait for this weekend, then I'm going back to Amsterdam to do some shopping!
Yesterday I went to Amsterdam with my mom, we had a really great time there. I've bought an asymmetric tee from Monki which is one of my favorites stores.
And about the photo above, I just fell in love with it. Photo via Stolen Inspirations.
I am so in love with the Cambrigde Satchels. I adore its simplicity and the neon colours. You can buy them via Urban Oufitters and Antecedens. I really need some money, and I want to work! But the problem is, I don't know where.. Any suggestions?
I'm very sorry for not posting for a few weeks. I was really really really busy.. and I hope I can find some time to post next weeks!